Roberts has submitted his second submission for the Village Camp Durango project (located at Trimble Road and the Animas Bridge). Now would be a good time to submit your concerns directly to the application through the County website portal (see link below).
The re-submittal is currently under review by Tez Hawkins (Senior Planner from the Denver area), who thoroughly reviewed Roberts’ initial proposal. As you recall, he identified numerous inconsistencies and issues with our Land Use Code. Mr. Hawkins also requested that Roberts address our concerns raised on the application and included them in his Compliance Review report.
Therefore, it is imperative that we ensure that Mr. Hawkins receives our concerns once again so that he may review them and consider them in his report. If you submitted concerns previously, please revisit them. It would not hurt to reiterate your comments in light of the latest submittals.
The AVAC Coordination Committee is working on a collective response, but each individual member’s response is equally important, so please review the recent changes to the proposal and submit your comments as soon as possible to allow Mr. Hawkins time to incorporate them.
Link to Application Comments Section:
(Click the blue bubble that says “Public Comment Form”. Under Project #, please refer to PL20230036).
There may be times when the comment form will come up blank. If this happens, refresh your browser or try rebooting your computer.