County Commisioners “On The Road” Meeting

Please note our County Commissioners scheduled an “On the Road” meeting for Animas Valley residents at the Animas Valley Grange, 7271 County Road 203, on Wednesday, July 17, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

This is an excellent opportunity to have informal discussion with all three elected Commissioners: Clyde Church, Marsha Porter-Norton and Matt Salka, and other key County staff about our areas of appreciation and concern.  Let’s attend and invite our neighbors and friends.  A packed house shows we are aware and interested in issues regarding our Animas Valley.

The last 2 year’s meetings consisted of lively questions and suggestions.  Some questions and/or suggestions to consider asking might be about safety, law enforcement, sustainable growth, tourism, crime, and code enforcement.  In addition, what are each of their strategies to support infrastructure development, water, sanitation and roads within the Valley and throughout the County.

Our County Commissioners remarked ours was the best attended meeting of this nature in all of La Plata County.  We can have an even bigger crowd this year to let them know our residents pay attention and are involved.  Let’s make it positive and engaging.

Carpooling to the Grange meeting is wise due to limited parking.  We hope to see you there!

Proposed Questions for County Commissioners “On the Road Meeting” July 17, 2024

  1. The city of Durango has regulations regarding VRBOs. Does the County?
  2. Housing insecurity is a well identified problem. It is known that individuals purchase homes for the sole purpose of turning them into VRBOs. This further depletes the inventory for our residents, and creates havoc for residents who live near these “party houses”. How can this be better managed?
  3. Other mountain communities require a “second home” to be occupied at least 50% of the time. We have many homes vacant most of the year that are owned by out of state folks. That further depletes the inventory for our 3rd generation Durangoans. How may we address and rectify these concerns?
  4. The culture of our town is changing to the extent that it is losing its charm and the feeling of being Durango, especially with our limited infrastructure. Shouldn’t the focus be on better meeting the needs of our residents than continued unmanaged growth?
  5. What is being planned for sustainable growth for La Plata County? It feels like Durango is being “loved to death” with no end in sight.
  6. Our beautiful ridge lines are being destroyed with homes being built on them, especially in the Glacier Club area. What is the long range plan for protecting these areas?
  7. Would our current “tourism” dollars be better spent meeting the needs of our Durango residents? Trails, safer bike paths, etc. Durango is already well known. Is it necessary to continue to lure more tourists here?
  8. What plans are there to provide biking, walking, and strolling (baby carrier) areas for families to safely get outside and exercise without walking on or near CR 203 and CR 250?
  9. Is there consideration for a park in the Animas Valley for families to recreate near their homes? There are many, many parks in the city limits.
  10. Do you have a volunteer Citizens group working with you to provide suggestions from “the people” about the future of Durango? If not, would you consider soliciting volunteers?
  11. How are the mental health and substance abuse issues of the unhoused population of Durango being addressed? This is costing residents in many ways – thefts, public safety, increase in grocery and other costs to defray losses.
  12. More visibility and presence of sheriff patrol and other law enforcement are needed. What is being done to make this happen?