After almost 9 months and an unusual (questionable) number of extensions granted by the County, Roberts has finally completed their 2nd Submittal of Roberts Resorts Village Camp Durango. You may recall Roberts’ first Village Camp Durango proposal was introduced in November 2022. The AVAC Coordinating Committee is in the process of reviewing the documents and will summarize our findings soon.
This new submittal being reviewed by the County’s outside representative (Tez Hawkins) was done in the first submittal. However, in an attempt to stay on top of the issue as it progresses, AVAC is asking our members to help us analyze the new submissions. We have created a compilation of the relevant PDF documents on the AVAC website ( Each document has a link to a unique page where comments/concerns may be entered. We hope and trust you will access the link, read his proposals and submit your valued feedback.
Additionally, we have officially requested through our legal representation (that you have supported financially) a number of relevant reports and documents from the County, the Animas Water Company, and Hermosa Sanitation. These important documents will help determine the best approach at halting the insertion of yet another small city into the Animas Valley. As always, your continued support and interest are appreciated!