September Udate

We hope everyone has enjoyed the Summer break and are ready for the next awesome season here in the great Southwest part of Colorado. The AVAC Coordinating Committee took a well-needed break and are now ramping up again.

This is a quick update on what is happening related to the Roberts Resorts Village Camp Project. As you may remember the compliance review performed by an independent contractor from the front range found numerous non-compliances in the Roberts proposal (see our updated analysis at As noted in the main compliance letter, submitted on 3/20/24, the Roberts proposal had many deficiencies that were required to be addressed. Following that letter the Durango Fire (DFR) report, submitted on 5/29/24, stated “By no means is this project approved to move forward” and listed additional numerous deficiencies.

Roberts was given until mid-July to address these deficiencies. Due to the extensive number of issues, and the fact that the DFR report was submitted so late, Roberts was granted an extension request to mid-September (about this time). We requested an update on that process and the Planning Department has indicated that Roberts has requested and been granted yet another extension to November 25, 2024, the week of Thanksgiving.  Interestingly, this is the same Holiday week that Roberts originally submitted their sketch plan two years ago when it was almost overlooked due to Holiday distractions.

We have been working with our attorneys and are about to make several “official” legal requests for documentation from Hermosa Sanitation, the County, and CDOT related to the project and their analyses. Further, we plan to submit legal briefs shortly documenting items of significant concern related to public safety and the project so that they are on record. We will keep you posted on those activities.

As always, your support is greatly appreciated and needed! Please visit our webpage at for information on how to support us further.

As a final note, we plan to host several public meetings in the coming months focusing on the historical aspects of the area and why it is so important to maintain the unique character of the valley. We hope to see you there.